Tuesday, January 22, 2008

American Idol and Me time

Well it has been an emotional day for some reason. Alot of crying and just alot of emotions flying around. And now that everyone is fed and the kitchen is clean it is time fore "me" time.
So I have gotten comfortable in the wonderful recliner on the couch, with my laptop, a diet caffeine free pepsi, and watching http://www.americanidol.com/ I love this show!!!! So that is it may not be exciting to some but for me it is making me feel calm and I need that today.
My friend at http://www.ragtagbeliever.com/ shared a wonderful video today that I really wanted to share with my readers as well however I was having trouble posting so Im adding the link
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZI2gOBvBHk please take the time to enjoy!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

This is something my good friend melinda over at http://www.ragtagbeliever.com/ shared with everyone.
Be sure to visit http://orgjunkie.com/
Im going to enjoy browsing the site and trying to keep up the menu plan monday as well as other tips.
Here is ours for this week: not to fancy we are currently staying with my brother and it is hard with so many different tastes :)
Monday: 16 bean soup
Tuesday: Beef stew
Wednesday: Hamburgers on the grill, fries, and salad
Thursday: Pizza
Friday: Grilled cheese sandwiches, and soup
Saturday: I have to be honest im not sure for sat. or sun. hope to fill this in soon.

Thanks Melinda

This is a post to thank my good friend over at http://www.ragtagbeliever.com/ for being such a dear friend and encouraging me to get blogging and guiding me on tips and such for getting started.
Make sure to check out her blog as she has lots of good places to share. In my next post I will share one that she shared on her blog and Im enjoying.
See you soon!!!

We have arrived!!!!

Well I have started my hand at blogging by starting new. Life has taken a turn for the worse and I will be talking and sharing the road to our recovery, and just life in general.
As life continues on its crazy course. The Lord is in control.
Life has taken us to Florida, we are looking for work and trying to get an idea of where we want to settle in. For now we are staying with my dear brother whom i totally admire and Love dearly.
The weather is absolutely beautiful here and I feel we are on the path that will soon lead us to the road to recovery.
Blessings to all.